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Download Clash Royale Bluestacks: The Ultimate Guide to Playing Mobile Games on PC


How to Download and Play Clash Royale on Bluestacks

Clash Royale is one of the most popular and addictive mobile games in the world. It is a real-time strategy game where you collect cards, build decks, and battle other players online. You can join clans, chat with friends, unlock new cards, and earn chests full of rewards. But what if you want to play Clash Royale on a bigger screen, with better graphics, faster performance, and more control? That's where Bluestacks comes in.

download clash royale bluestacks

Bluestacks is the best mobile gaming platform for PC and Mac. It lets you play thousands of Android games on your computer, with full keyboard and mouse support, custom settings, and advanced features. You can also stream your gameplay to Facebook or Twitch, record your screen, take screenshots, and more. With Bluestacks, you can enjoy playing Clash Royale on your PC or Mac like never before.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install Bluestacks on your PC or Mac, and how to play Clash Royale on it. Follow these simple steps and get ready to clash!

Step 1: Download and install Bluestacks on your PC or Mac

The first thing you need to do is to download Bluestacks from its official website. You can choose from different versions of Bluestacks, depending on your operating system and Android preference. For example, you can download Bluestacks 5 for Windows 10 with Android 11, or Bluestacks 5 Nougat 64-bit for Mac. Make sure your PC or Mac meets the minimum system requirements for Bluestacks before downloading it.

Once you have downloaded the Bluestacks installer, run it and follow the instructions to install it on your PC or Mac. You can choose the default location for installation or change it to a different drive. The installation process may take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed and computer performance.

Step 2: Launch Bluestacks and sign in with your Google account

After installing Bluestacks, launch it from your desktop or start menu. You will see a window like this:

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How to customize CPU, RAM and resolution for Clash Royale Bluestacks

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How to use BlueStacks reward center for Clash Royale PC

Here, you need to sign in with your Google account to access the Google Play Store and other Google services. If you don't have a Google account yet, you can create one here. Signing in with your Google account will also sync your game progress and purchases across devices.

Step 3: Search for Clash Royale in the Google Play Store and install it

Now that you have signed in with your Google account, you can search for Clash Royale in the Google Play Store app on Bluestacks. You can find the app icon on the home screen or in the app center. Click on it to open it.

In the Google Play Store app, type "Clash Royale" in the search bar and hit enter. You will see a list of results like this:

Click on the first result that says "Clash Royale" by Supercell. This will take you to the game's page in the Google Play Store. Here, you can see more information about the game, such as its description, screenshots, reviews, ratings, etc.

To install Clash Royale on Bluestacks, click on the green "Install" button. This will start downloading and installing the game on your PC or Mac. The process may take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed.

Step 4: Enjoy playing Clash Royale on your PC or Mac with Bluestacks

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Clash Royale on Bluestacks. Now you can enjoy playing the game on your PC or Mac with a bigger screen, better graphics, faster performance, and more control. You can also use the Bluestacks features to enhance your gaming experience, such as:

  • Customize your keyboard and mouse controls to suit your play style. You can use the game guide to see the default controls or change them as you wish.

  • Use the multi-instance feature to play multiple accounts of Clash Royale at the same time. You can also switch between different instances easily with the multi-instance manager.

  • Use the macro feature to record and execute complex actions with a single keystroke. You can also edit and share your macros with other players.

  • Use the eco mode to reduce CPU and RAM usage and improve battery life. You can also enable or disable notifications, sound, and background apps.

With Bluestacks, you can take your Clash Royale gameplay to the next level. You can also explore other games in the Bluestacks app center, such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, PUBG Mobile, and more.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and play Clash Royale on Bluestacks, the best mobile gaming platform for PC and Mac. We have also explained the benefits of playing Clash Royale on Bluestacks and how to use its features to enhance your gaming experience. We hope you found this article helpful and informative.

If you are a fan of Clash Royale or any other mobile game, we highly recommend you to try out Bluestacks. It is free, easy, and fun to use. You can download it from here and start playing your favorite games on your PC or Mac today.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you. Happy clashing!


Q: Is Bluestacks safe to use?

A: Yes, Bluestacks is safe to use. It is a legitimate software that has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. It does not contain any malware, viruses, or spyware. It also does not access or modify any of your personal data or files.

Q: Is Bluestacks free to use?

A: Yes, Bluestacks is free to use. You can download and install it on your PC or Mac without paying anything. You can also play any game on it without any limitations or restrictions. However, some games may have in-app purchases or ads that require real money.

Q: How do I update Clash Royale on Bluestacks?

A: To update Clash Royale on Bluestacks, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the Google Play Store app on Bluestacks.

  • Click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) on the top left corner.

  • Select "My apps & games" from the menu.

  • Find Clash Royale in the list of installed apps and click on "Update".

  • Wait for the update to finish and launch the game.

Q: How do I transfer my Clash Royale account from my phone to Bluestacks?

A: To transfer your Clash Royale account from your phone to Bluestacks, you need to follow these steps:

  • On your phone, open Clash Royale and go to the settings menu (gear icon).

  • Select "Link a device" and then "This is the old device".

  • Select "I want to link to another device" and then "Android device".

  • You will see a code that is valid for two minutes.

  • On Bluestacks, open Clash Royale and go to the settings menu (gear icon).

  • Select "Link a device" and then "This is the new device".

  • Enter the code from your phone and confirm.

  • Your account will be transferred to Bluestacks.

Q: How do I contact Bluestacks support?

A: If you have any issues or problems with Bluestacks, you can contact their support team by following these steps:

  • Open Bluestacks and click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) on the top right corner.

  • Select "Help and Support" from the menu.

  • You will see a list of topics and articles that may help you solve your issue.

  • If you still need assistance, click on the "Report a Problem" button at the bottom of the page.

  • Fill out the form with your name, email, description of the problem, and any attachments.

  • Click on the "Submit" button and wait for a response from the Bluestacks support team.



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